My 2019 family & travel round-up
It is finally time for my much-delayed 2019 family and travel round-up. It was another amazing year of photographing some of my favorite returning families as well as many new-to-me families. I also did my first mini-sessions in the fall and fell in love with this idea. In fact, my fingers and toes are crossed for another round this summer or fall.
This round-up also includes some of my personal travel photographs from trips around the world and this beautiful country as well. In 2019, I was lucky enough to travel to Italy, Cuba and New Mexico. I have also included some favorite personal photos from my city and Wisconsin. Now that we are all sheltering in place, I can’t help but be grateful for everything I was able to do in 2019. What a year it was.
Thank you again for your trust and let’s hope we can see one another again soon! Until then, take a look at some of my favorites from this past year.